Dark Side Of The Internet

“Before one day when I was thrust into it, I had never heard of the terms dark web, trafficking, or pornography” says Fatima Tabbasum. Tabbasum, who was 15 when she received a cell phone, was raised in the United Arab Emirates by conservative parents. She was not given any direction or information regarding the negative aspects of technology. She didn’t know who to trust on social media when she started using it without her parents’ consent. Because of this, she ended up in the wrong hands. Tabbasum says “Being raised in a conservative home limits your social life, so having someone to chat to made me feel good. As a result, I was unaware of the risks involved with disclosing personal information to a stranger”. Tabbasum started corresponding with a man on social media who claimed to be a student at a university, and she was persuaded to flee with him. She realized he was a trafficker after fleeing with him and that he had ensnared her for his own gain. The fact that she was requested to participate in some actions that were being recorded and then told they would be uploaded to dark web sites was more shocking than being pushed into prostitution. She first had no idea what it was, and no one had mentioned it to her. Did you know what dark web is? What do you suppose Tabbasum’s tormentor may have made from only videotaping her?
The Dark Web , which also refers to content on the World Wide Online but is not a component of the surface web, is inaccessible using browsers that are typically used to access the surface web. With the assistance of the US Military, who utilized it as a covert means of communicating with intelligence assets stationed far away, it started to expand. The majority of the unlawful and disturbing


“Before one day when I was thrust into it, I had never heard of the terms dark web, trafficking, or pornography” says Fatima Tabbasum. Tabbasum, who was 15 when she received a cell phone, was raised in the United Arab Emirates by conservative parents. She was not given any direction or information regarding the negative aspects of technology. She didn’t know who to trust on social media when she started using it without her parents’ consent. Because of this, she ended up in the wrong hands. Tabbasum says “Being raised in a conservative home limits your social life, so having someone to chat to made me feel good. As a result, I was unaware of the risks involved with disclosing personal information to a stranger”. Tabbasum started corresponding with a man on social media who claimed to be a student at a university, and she was persuaded to flee with him. She realized he was a trafficker after fleeing with him and that he had ensnared her for his own gain. The fact that she was requested to participate in some actions that were being recorded and then told they would be uploaded to dark web sites was more shocking than being pushed into prostitution. She first had no idea what it was, and no one had mentioned it to her. Did you know what dark web is? What do you suppose Tabbasum’s tormentor may have made from only videotaping her?
The Dark Web , which also refers to content on the World Wide Online but is not a component of the surface web, is inaccessible using browsers that are typically used to access the surface web. With the assistance of the US Military, who utilized it as a covert means of communicating with intelligence assets stationed far away, it started to expand. The majority of the unlawful and disturbing